Welcome back to FPCN in-person worship. We came back to in-person service on Sunday, May 16th and have been meeting regularly ever since.
We know that many people in our church family will not be able to
attend at this time due to a number of reasons. 
We want to be clear that there is no pressure for anyone to attend. We support your decision to delay returning to in-person services until the time that you and those you care for are comfortable returning. We will continue having our services online.
If you need help, please email us at office@newarkpres.org. Your request will be forwarded to one of our team and they will assist you.
Please see the bottom of the page for our SSP plan.
We look forward to seeing you both in person and online!
First Presbyterian Church of Newark
Site Specific Protection Plan (summary)
Beginning 3/16/2022

The State of California has modified the precautions and restrictions caused by Covid-19.   Following are points that are required by the State and County to be included in our updated plan for the church facilities.

  • We ask anyone who does not feel well to stay home. (Flu, cold, fever, covid)
  • Face coverings are not required but the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) strongly recommends the use of masks by everyone in indoor public settings. The CDPH will continue to assess conditions on an ongoing basis to determine when and how to update masking guidance, with consideration of the indicators and safety factors. 
  • Social distancing will not be required
  • We ask that everyone respect other people and their decisions about face coverings and social distancing.

Programs with Youth:

  • We will follow the CDPH guidelines for K-12 schools.  At this time, face coverings and social distancing are not required but are recommended. The CDPH will continue to assess conditions on an ongoing basis to determine when and how to update masking guidance, with consideration of the indicators and safety factors. 

Group settings (Church Services, group meetings, Bell practice, Scouts)

  • Face coverings are not required but the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) strongly recommends the use of masks by everyone in indoor public settings. The CDPH will continue to assess conditions on an ongoing basis to determine when and how to update masking guidance, with consideration of the indicators and safety factors. 
  • Social distancing will not be required
  • We ask that everyone respect other people and their decisions about face coverings and social distancing.
  • Communion will continue to be served in individual prepackaged containers.   

Food and beverage service, we recommend:

  • All persons wear food grade gloves when preparing food or drinks whether indoors or outdoors.
  • Occupancy of the kitchen shall not exceed five people.
  • All eating and drinking will be outside.

Requirements for Renters/Tenants

  • All renters/tenants will comply with the details of the Church Site-Specific Plan.  Copies of the Plan will be posted at the entrance and provided to Church staff.  Violating First Presbyterian Church requirements may be cause for termination of the rental/ use agreement.

We will continue to monitor and work with the California Department of Public Health and Alameda County Health Department for any future changes in the local guidelines and recommendations. Persons planning special events can request a review and possible modification to the guidelines. Questions can be directed to:

  • Barbara Miller,  Buildings & Grounds Elder
  • Mike Marzano,  Corporate Trustee